Promoting Accessible and Sustainable Tourism for Future P.A.S.T.4Future

Programma Interreg IPA CBC Italia – Albania – Montenegro

P.A.S.T.4Future is an European project financed by INTERREG – IPA CBC ITALY ALBANIA MONTENEGRO. The project addresses the main challenges of internal and rural areas with the aim of:

  • create new tourist destinations by promoting natural and cultural heritage;
  • support the diversification, customization, integration and specialization of local tourism services and offers, focusing on accessibility and sustainability;
  • improve the knowledge on the new trends in the tourism market and on the marketing skills of SMEs and local communities to promote tourism based on the experience of “new communities”;
  • propose smart systems capable of promoting tourism marketing at the international level.

Specifically, the project aims to create a new Tourist Destination based on Accessible and Sustainable Cross-border Community, capable to increase the tourist incoming, in particular of people with special needs (e.g. families with children, disabled people or people with temporary disabilities, elderly, people with special medical needs, people with food intolerances, etc.) and consequently to promote the naturalistic, environmental, historical and cultural heritage, stimulating an intelligent and sustainable economic development in the entire cross-border area. This will ensure that Accessible and Sustainable tourism acts as a driving force for the development of internal/rural cross-border areas.

Through the project operators, various points of interest (museums, castles, archaeological sites, itineraries…) and accommodation facilities (accommodation facilities, bars, restaurants…) accessible and sustainable have been identified and surveyed. Therefore, on the basis of different levels of disability (motor, visual, auditory, families and elderly) we intend to present and promote an itinerary for tour operators in the sector (Educational) thus entering an operational phase. The objective of the Educational tour is to introduce the Apulian territory, made up of typicality and unique places, promoting to the public and to new possible users both the structures that meet the requirements for different disabilities and the various accessible and sustainable points of interest.


Albaniana Ministry of Finance and Economy

Lead Partner

E-mail: [email protected]
ANXHELA BUSHATI – Contact person [email protected]
HEAD OF SECTOR Management of Economic Development and Projects Sector Directorate of Program and Project Management in the field of Economic Development and Vocational Education General Directorate of Macroeconomic Policies for Fiscal Affairs and Employment
(A): Bulevardi “Dëshmorët e Kombit”, Tiranë
(T): +355 42 44 80 21
(M): +355 69 33 90 340
(E): [email protected] Municipality of Koplik – District of MALESI E MADHE

Molise toward 2000

Project Partner 2

Via S. Giovanni in Golfo, 205/E 86100 Campobasso
P.IVA/C.F. 00875480709
Adolfo Colagiovanni – Contact person Project Planner
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +39 366 1963577

ESCOOP - European Social Cooperative – Italy

Project Partner 3

ESCOOP [email protected]
Marco SBARRA – Contact person Director
E-mail: [email protected];
Phone: +39 328 8244532

Gravina in Puglia Municipality – Italy

Project Partner 4

Vito Spano – Contact person Dirigente
Tel: +39 328 4216383
E-mail: [email protected]

Malesi e Madhe Municipality – Albania

Project Partner 5

Tel. & Fax. + 35521122650/2651
Adresa : Koplik-Qender, Malesi e Madhe , Shqiperi
E – mail : [email protected] Tonin Marinaj
Mayor of Municipality Mob: +355 067 20 20 290
E-mail: [email protected]

Urban Municipality of Tuzi – Montenegro

Project Partner 6

Emin Hadži – Contact person
(Segretario Comune) [email protected]
+382 69443858
+382 20875163


In order to increase the incoming of tourist in the project area, the project partners established a Destination Management Organization in charge of promoting the accessible and sustainable tourism offer in the area and organizing an Education Tour for 20 tour operators at European and international level.


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The “Cross Border Destination Management Organization for Accessible and Sustainable Tourism“, acronym “Cross Border DMO for A&S Tourism” (CB DMO) has been established by these Founding Members:
  • Ministry of Finance and Economy – Albania;
  • Molise toward 2000 – Italy;
  • ESCOOP – European Social Cooperative – Cooperativa Sociale Europea – sce – Italy;
  • Municipality of Gravina in Puglia – Italy;
  • Municipality of Malesi e Madhe – Albania;
  • Municipality of Tuzi – Montenegro.
The Cross Border DMO for A&S Tourism is a stable Network of non-profit organizations and public bodies which operates in the tourism-relevant areas of Accessible and Sustainable Tourism based on Community-Led Local Development, focused on the Founding Members areas’ needs and assets, aiming to create local hospitality systems by opening rural communities towards new tourist inflows in a cross border framework.
The DMO is based in Via Urbe (angolo Via Le Spezia) snc Cerignola (FG) – Italy, at the headquarters of the Founding Member ESCOOP – European Social Cooperative – Cooperativa Sociale Europea – sce.
The DMO local offices are set in these Founding Members’ headquarters:
  • Campobasso, Molise toward 2000 – Italy;
  • Municipality of Gravina in Puglia – Italy;
  • Koplik, Municipality of Malesi e Madhe – Albania;
  • Municipality of Tuzi – Montenegro.
They have in charge the implementing Destination Management and Destination Marketing actions in all the Cross Border Area of the Founding Members.
The general objective of the CB DMO is to promote and strengthen the accessible and sustainable tourism offer of the Cross Border area at a European and international level, through the implementation and diversification of the tourist products/services in the Founding Members’ areas. This will increase the incoming, and consequentially the promotion of the natural, environmental, historical and cultural heritage, for a smart and sustainable economic development in these areas involved.
The CB DMO will support the issuance of the guidelines and the programmes of interventions in the A&S tourism sector and it will support actions, to strengthen the tourism system, undertaken by local administrations, institutions, associations and business representatives.
The CB DMO plans the tourism development guidelines to improve the competitiveness of the A&S tourism sector to increase and develop the Founding Members’ destinations and promote their image at the international level.
Furthermore, the activities of the CB DMO will aim to:
  • develop and implement the destination’s strategy of the Strategic Action Plan for Cross Border Network on A&S tourism, in agreement with the various public and private actors of the destination;
  • coordinate local DMOs and implement local governance;
  • create synergies and forms of collaboration with the plurality of public and private stakeholders, such as local partnerships and public/private networks of cross border area;
  • build and manage the A&S products of the destination and encourage their quality;
  • develop and strengthen the integrated offer system and unitary management of the attractions and services of the destination, taking care of the accessibility and sustainability of the destination;
  • manage and coordinate the tourist image of the CB destination and local/members’ destinations;
  • manage and activate promotional and territorial marketing actions aimed at attracting new investments;
  • research and analyze information flows in order to build a reputation destination;
  • support operators through marketing, communication and promotional marketing actions;
  • support the tourism system through the marketing of its A&S products and services.

DMO Contacts


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